Our Chickens at Bootsy Garden

Welcome to the chickens page of Bootsy Garden, where variety and vitality flourish within our ever-changing flock. Our birds represent a tapestry of breeds, each contributing their unique colors and characteristics to the eggs they lay and the farm they enliven.

Meet Our Breeds:
Our mixed breed flock includes:

  • Barred Rocks

  • Wyandottes in Buff and White Laced Wing varieties

  • Olive Eggers

  • Easter Eggers

  • Sapphire Gems

  • Welsummers

  • Rhode Island Reds

  • Carmine Browns

  • White Leghorns

Fresh Eggs Direct to You:
The eggs our chickens produce are as varied as the breeds themselves—from the deep browns of the Welsummers to the green and blue hues of the Easter Eggers. Each egg is a small treasure, packed with nutrition and bursting with flavor. We sell our eggs fresh, direct to consumers. You can easily purchase them for pickup or delivery through our online shop.

Sustainable Practices:
Our chickens are more than just egg layers; they are an integral part of our farm ecosystem. They contribute to pest control, soil fertility through their droppings, and help cultivate a sustainable environment. They roam freely, enjoying a natural diet, which is reflected in the superior quality of their eggs.